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Pulver for ColdSpark maskiner Dette pulveret gir en høyde på ca 5-6 meter og skal brukes utendørs.
Sparkular Portable is a battery-powered docking station specifically designed for Sparkular STD and Sparkular Mini. This accessories allows you to be completely autonomous, without 220V power supply and will allow you a real wireless control. If you stay in standby mode, the battery lasts about 2 hours. It is an ideal choice for outdoor events, …
The Sparkular Cyclone is a 6 to 10 meters high spark machine with an effect duration of 3 minutes. It is equipped with an automatic braking system that guarantees an immediate stop of the machine even at full power. The Sparkular Cyclone has a waterproof design, which allows it to perform uninterrupted in the rain. …
The Sparkular Triple is a triple outlet spark machine with a height of 2 to 5 meters, adjustable according to your needs, with an effect time of 10 to 12 minutes depending on the powder consumable used. It is equipped with a vertical nozzle and two nozzles at an angle of 25°, each nozzle can …
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