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Pulver for ColdSpark maskiner Dette pulveret gir en høyde på ca 5-6 meter og skal brukes utendørs.
The Sparkular Mini is a 2 to 3 meters high sparkler with an effect duration of 3 to 4 minutes depending on the powder consumable used. It is equipped with an included wireless remote control and DMX control. With its integrated wireless and anti-collision technology, this sparkler is designed to last over time, is easy …
Removes the binding to the general supply Ideal choice for outdoor events Power cable included
Sparkular Portable is a battery-powered docking station specifically designed for Sparkular STD and Sparkular Mini. This accessories allows you to be completely autonomous, without 220V power supply and will allow you a real wireless control. If you stay in standby mode, the battery lasts about 2 hours. It is an ideal choice for outdoor events, …
The Sparkular Spin is a double outlet sparking machine with a height of 2 to 5 meters adjustable according to your needs with an effect duration of 8 to 10 minutes depending on the powder consumable used. It is equipped with two nozzles oriented at 20° as well as a bidirectional rotation system which allows …
The Sparkular STD is a spark machine with a height of 1.5 to 5 meters, adjustable according to your needs, with an effect duration of 10 to 20 minutes depending on the powder consumable used. The control of the machine is done by DMX. This sparkling machine designed to last over time is one of the …
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