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Eliminates hum problems when connecting audio from your presentation PC. Completely passive and bi-directional. Professional, reliable, compact and straightforward to use, passive audio balancing box with 3.5mm mini jack input and XLR L/R output to speaker system or mixing desk. No external power required. PC BAL BOX Hum can happen anywhere, power supplies, fluorescent lights, …
4 PIN COMMS LOOP CABLE Belt pack to MasterCue Interconnect This revised cable is made from a dual multicore cable fully double screened. Made for us by the great cable company VDC.
Skal du bruke anlegget som iNet extender eller du ønsker backupstrøm for enda sikrere drift? Da kjøper du en DC boks ved siden av som lar deg slippe å drifte MC3 på 5V usb. Det er også helt nødvendig ved bruk av XLR over iNET med en strømkabel for å holde signalkvaliteten oppe. Spare part: …
A versatile Audio in/Out soundcard on USB. It uses the standard USB devices so does not need to have drivers. Versatile professional audio in/out soundcard. Powered via standard USB A-B connection. No drivers required. Portable, plug-and-play. Stereo/mono output with volume control. 2 channel input with independent clip and level controls. Mic/Line switching allows you to …
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